Plan Schemes

The key role of the Directorate of Environment & Climate Change in the state is co-ordination and promotion of environment related issues along with its meaningful application in various developmental programmes to achieve the socio-economic objectives of the State. The Directorate is mandated to enforce the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and subsequent Rules in the state. The Directorate of Environment implements plan schemes /works/ projects for advancing mass awareness and protection of the fragile environment in order to maintain a consistent balance between the development programmes and restoration of natural environment of Manipur.

The Directorate of Environment and Climate Change is presently implementing various plan schemes with community participation which may serve as an approach for strategies and action plan to combat climate change scenario in the state and also implementing different other important projects sponsored by Government of India.


Some of the major ongoing schemes under State Plan are given as hereunder:

  1. Eco-development Programmes and Natural Resources Conservation
  2. Environment Education and Information Dissemination Programme
  3. Environmental Monitoring, R&D with and Multidisciplinary Scientific Study of River catchments and Springsgeds
  4. Climate Change , Environmental Impact Studies
  5. Environmental Planning Management of Wetlands and Waterbodies
  6. Solid Waste Management
  7. Information Technology and GIS
  8. Prevention and Control of Pollution (GIA to MPCB)

Besides these, the Directorate is also implementing the Central Sector Scheme like Environmental Information System (ENVIS) Hub as the State Host Institute under guidelines from the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India.

The Directorate of Environment and Climate Change is the nodal department of Manipur Pollution Control Board. This Directorate is successfully enforcing/implementing various Acts & Rules laid down by the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India.

The Government of Manipur designated/identified the Directorate of Environment & Climate Change as the State Nodal Agency:

  • for Wetland Conservation in Manipur and act as Secretariat to the Manipur State Wetlands Authority (MSWA).
  • for overall co-ordination of the activities to be undertaken for the State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC)
  • to act as Secretariat for the State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), Manipur and State Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC), Manipur for granting Environmental Clearance.
  • as State Social Impact Assessment Unit to carry out the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) in the State of Manipur for acquisition of land for public purpose.

Function of Directorate of Environment and Climate Change :

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Mini Secretariat Road, Porompat, Imphal East
Manipur-795005, India

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