Themes of World Wetland days
2023: Wetland Restoration
2022: Wetlands Action for People and Nature
2021: Water and Wetlands
2020: Wetlands & Biodiversity
2019: Wetlands and Climate Change
2018: Wetlands for a sustainable urban future
2017: Wetlands for Disaster Risk Reduction
2016: Wetlands for our Future: Sustainable Livelihoods
2015: Wetlands for our Future
2014: Wetlands and agriculture
2013: Wetlands and water management
2012: Wetlands and tourism
2011: Wetlands and forests
2010: Wetlands, biodiversity and climate change
2009: River basins and their management
2008: Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People
2007: Fish for tomorrow?
2006: Livelihoods at risk
2005: There’s wealth in wetland diversity – don’t lose it!
2004: From the mountains to the sea – Wetlands at work for us
2003: No wetlands – no water!
2002: Wetlands: Water, Life, and Culture
2001: Wetland world – A world to discover!
2000: Celebrating Our Wetlands of International Importance
1999: People and wetlands – The vital link
1998: Water for wetlands, wetlands for water
1997: The first World Wetlands Day