Climate Change, Environmental Impact Studies

The main aim of the scheme is to serve as an approach for developing strategies and action plan to address the climate change issues in the state. Management of the climate related risks through development of policies and programmes.

Under this scheme this office is taking up various activities to contribute in combating the impacts of the changing climate. To meet future challenges of climate change and reduce associated risks and vulnerabilities in the state, the State Action Plan on Climate Change was prepared for implementation and continued assessment of the actions was taken up.

Some of the significant achievements under this scheme during 2022-23 are:

  • Stock taking analysis of the State Action Plan on Climate Change Ver 1
  • Adaptation project like “Model Carbon Positive-Eco Village at Phayeng village”
  • GEF-UNDP project “Market Transformation and Removal of barriers for Effective Implementation of the State Level Climate Change Action Plan
  • Technical reports on:
  • Historical Climate Trends and Climate Change Projections for Manipur
  • Vulnerability Assessment for Agriculture Sector at District Level
  • Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Adaptation Strategies for Manipur
  • Impact of Climate Change on Water Resource of Manipur
  • Impact of Climate Change on Forest Sector in Manipur
  • Carbon Sink Estimates Through Forest and Tree Cover Enhancement Towards Meeting INDC Targets for Manipur
  • District-Level Health Vulnerability Index for Manipur
  • Publication of Quarterly Newsletters
  • Continuing activities for Revision of SAPCC ver 2
  • Training workshop on “Drafting of Inputs Revision of SAPCC Ver 2”
  • Award of Media Fellowships on Climate Change Reporting
  • Workshops, Trainings, Awareness and Interaction Programmes at district and village level
  • District level consultation workshops on Finalization of State Action Plan on Climate Change, Version 2 with Respective Deputy Commissioners
  • Sector wise Stakeholders’ consultation workshops for Revision of the SAPCC with officials of line departments and experts from different institutions

Capacity building to different line department officials for Vulnerability assessment to climate change

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is the assessment of possible positive or negative impact that a proposed project may have on the environment, together consisting of the environmental, social and economic aspects. The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision makers consider the ensuing environmental impacts while taking up the developmental projects.

Under this scheme, works relating to pre – & post – Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) / studies on the existing & forth coming developmental projects in the state which could lead to environmental degradation are being taken up. The State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), Manipur and State Level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC), Manipur have also been constituted by the MOEF &CC, Government of India. The State Social Impact Assessment Unit carry out the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) studies for acquisition of land for a public purpose. Appraisal of developmental project proposals for granting of Environment Clearance. Assessment of Environmental Impacts of the development projects. Social Impact Assessment for land acquisition.

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Manipur-795005, India

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