Environmental Monitoring, R&D with and Multidisciplinary Scientific Study of River catchments and Springsheds

Aim and basic target of these schemes are:

  1. Regular monitoring & technical assessment of environmental quality, health impact assessment, development of environmental data bank of the state etc.
  2. To maintain a baseline environmental information system on quality of water resources specially lakes, wetlands & rivers of Manipur.
  3. Extension of laboratory facilities & sharing of environmental data /information to the governmental organizations as and when required.
  4. Providing of service for case studies on environmental issues in the state like sudden decrease of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the rivers, lakes and major drinking water sources.
  5. To improve major river basins & its catchment area in the state through environment based multi-disciplinary scientific and socio- economic action programmes.
  6. Focusing towards environmental Research and development, Quality Analysis, etc.
  7. Compliances of Hon’ble Supreme Courts Direction, Hon’ble NGT maters, etc. relating to Environmental Protection Acts and Rules

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